Embark on a virtual adventure to another country this December at the library with Tales and Travel!
Centralia Manor is partnering with Centralia Regional Library for a free and open-to-the-public “memory cafe” in the library’s 2nd floor Monken Activity Room (elevator accessible). Attendees will be able to “visit” a featured country through facts, stories, music, crafts, and snacks. The goal is to help people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia, but anyone is invited to join the fun.
The country for December is Austria.
This program is open to the public and no registration is required ahead of time.
Tales and Travel was first started by retired Illinois librarian Mary Beth Riedner in 2008, whose husband was diagnosed with young-onset dementia. Memory cafes are social gatherings for those living in the community who are usually in the early to middle stages of their disease process. These cafes serve as places to have fun, find support, and share experiences. For more information about how the program was started, visit www.talesandtravelmemories.com.