Election of officers is held at the annual meeting each year. The president, vice-president, and secretary serve one year terms (July-June); and the treasurer is elected to a two year term.
2024-2025 Officers
- President: Diana Donahoo
- Vice President: Nancy Mollohan
- Secretary: Paula Becker
- Treasurer: Lana Shaw (2)
The Friends sponsor a used book sale twice a year in May and October; money made from the book sales is used to sponsor library programs, such as the summer reading program for children and reading challenges for adults. The Friends also fund other requests presented to them from library staff. Your annual dues of $15 will help to support these programs.
Membership: The annual membership meeting is held each year in June. The Friends membership year runs from January 1 to December 31. For more information, call (618) 532-5222 or visit the library.
Upcoming Book Sale: May 2025